Leaders in Pharmacy Brothers for Life
Welcome to the new Phi Delta Chi website!
Here you will be able to find details about upcoming events, updates and pictures from recent activities, as well as information regarding the Omicron chapter and its Brothers.
Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget
Message from the President
Welcome Class of 2022!,
Congratulations on your biggest achievement thus far and welcome to the USC School of Pharmacy! The road ahead will be difficult and filled with challenges, but it will also be just as rewarding and enjoyable. You'll soon find that there is no better place to pursue your dreams and goals than here with your Trojan family. Phi Delta Chi is a national professional pharmacy fraternity that truly embodies our saying - Leaders in Pharmacy, Brothers for Life. With over 100+ chapters, there is at least 1 in every 12 pharmacists nationwide that is a Phi Delta Chi Brother. As you move forward, I encourage you to take advantage of the numerous opportunities available for you to grow as a student pharmacist and an impeccable leader, learn as much as you can inside the classroom and out, and meet as many people as you can. Feel free to reach out to me at uscpdcwcc@gmail.com if you have any questions. The Brothers of Phi Delta Chi wish you luck and look forward to meeting you soon!
Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget,
Talin Bchakjian
President, Phi Delta Chi - Omicron
Connect with us on Facebook for more updates!
Upcoming Events

PDC Info Session
January 07, 2019
12:00 PM in PSC 112
Learn about Phi Delta Chi and what the fraternity has to offer! This is a great opportunity to find out if Phi Delta Chi is the right fit for you! Free lunch will be given to those who attend!

Alumni Night
January 14, 2019
7:00 PM at TBD
Meet our distinguished alumni Brothers at Almansor Court in Alhambra! Find out how Phi Delta Chi helped the alumni Brothers reach their goals and where they are today! Appetizers will be served!

PDC Banquet 2019
April 07, 2019
6:30 PM at TBD
Come to join us at the banquet to celebrate the achievements we have accomplished throughout the year of 2019.
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